Arthur Paul Pedrick – Brits uitvinder
Wie kent Arthur Paul Pedrick? Bijna niemand. Toch was het iemand die, zeker in zijn geboorteland, een spreekwoordelijke bekendheid zou kunnen hebben. Arthur Paul Pedrick was een productieve Britse uitvinder die tussen 1962 en zijn dood in 1976 maar liefst 162 Britse octrooien aanvroeg.
Eén ding viel op bij zijn uitvindingen, ze waren geen van allen praktisch toepasbaar. Engeland is typisch zo’n land waar ze daarna. bij elk onpraktisch ideetje, zouden kunnen spreken van een Pedrickje. Maar hij is vrij onbekend gebleven.
Arthur Paul Pedrick
Arthur Paul Pedrick werkte als patentonderzoeker bij het Octrooibureau van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Pas na zijn pensionering ging hij zelf patenten aanvragen voor zijn uitvindingen. Het patentbureau staat er om bekend streng te letten op toepasbaarheid.
Pedrick was echter vertrouwd met het proces van patentaanvraag en wist hoe hij aan de eisen moest voldoen om patent te krijgen.
Hij woonde in Selsey (Sussex). Zijn woonplaats omschreef hij echter als ‘’One-Man Photo-Electric Research Laboratories’ of ‘One Man Think Tank Nuclear Fusion Research Laboratories’. Hij woonde er met zijn beige kat die hij Ginger noemde.
Zijn kat was een grote steun bij het ontwikkelen van zijn uitvindingen. Maar bij geen enkele uitvindingen kon Pedrick de financiering vinden om ze in praktijk te brengen.
Veel uitvindingen van Arthur Paul Pedrick zijn geïnspireerd door zijn kat. Een voorbeeld daarvan is de ‘selectieve kattendeur gecontroleerd door een duw/trek-syssteem met lichtdeeltjes detectie’. Het idee daarbij was de kleur van de vacht van een kat te onderscheiden. Bij zijn gemberkleurige kat zou het kattenluik opengaan.
Bij een zwarte kat, die hij Blackie noemde en die door de buurt zwierf, zou het luik dicht blijven. In zijn patentaanvraag schrijft Pedrick dat zijn kat enthousiast was over het idee.
Nucleaire afschrikking
Volgens Pedrick was hetkattenluikje ook een concept dat kon worden toegepast als nucleaire afschrikking. Dat was een andere bron van zijn uitvindingen, de nucleaire dreiging.
Hij maakte zich grote zorgen over de koude oorlog, de bevolkingsgroei en het voortbestaan van de mensheid. Veel van de patenten waarbij zijn kat niet de inspiratie was, zijn gebaseerd op die zorgen.
Zijn patenten
Op mijn site ‘www.creatieven.nl‘ heb ik enkele bizarre patenten verzameld. Daarbij staat ook het idee over waterverplaatsing op aarde van Arthur Paul Pedrick
Hieronder alle door Arthur Paul Pedrick aangevraagde en toegewezen patenten, met een link naar het patent bij het Europese Patentbureau.
GB1453920 | Apparatus For Extinguishing Fires In High Rise Block Buildings Of Uniform Transverse Cross-Section Or Plan |
GB1421240 | Mortarless Brick Work To Reduce House Building Costs |
GB1415487 | Reducing The Tendency Of A Golf Ball To Slice Or Hook By Electrostatic Forces |
GB1391569 | Miniature-Image Producing Spectacles And Binoculars |
GB1388517 | Electrically Operated Index And Comparison System |
GB1361962 | Earth Orbital Bombs As Nuclear Deterrents |
GB1351926 | Tea Strainers |
GB1348477 | Colour Television Using Light Ray Created Images |
GB1340664 | Variable Speed Magnetic Motor With Minimal Servicing Or Maintenance Requirements |
GB1339414 | Exploding Bombs To Create Underground Shelters |
GB1334640 | Speed Of Light Regulated Clock |
GB1334503 | Coloured Light Ray Scanning System For NTSC PAL Colour TV Transmissions |
GB1333548 | Internally Explosive Nail |
GB1333194 | Electrical Comparison Systems |
GB1332079 | Electromagnetically Operated Tubular Pump |
GB1331862 | Arrangements For Establishing A Pipe Line Across Deep Snow Subject To Frequent Fresh Snow Falls In A Manner Such That The Pipe Line Will Be Retained On The Surface Of The Snow Layer |
GB1251780 | Improvements In Tees, Or Devices For Supporting Golf Balls Prior To A Driving Stroke Particularly For Practising A Golf Swing |
GB1411354 | Using Electrostatic Levitation To Reduce The Resistance To The High Speed Movement Of Ice Or Oil Filled Balls In Tubes With An Explanation Of The Enigma Of The Nucleus Of The “Splittable Atom” |
GB1333343 | Plant For Generating Electrical Energy And Desalination Of Water |
GB1331862 | Arrangements For Establishing A Pipe Line Across Deep Snow Subject To Frequent Fresh Snow Falls In A Manner Such That The Pipe Line Will Be Retained On The Surface Of The Snow Layer |
GB1325996 | Massive Steam Driven Flywheels For Combined Electricity Generation And Desalination Plant Particularly For The Irrigation Of Littoral Areas Of Deserts |
GB1287207 | Improvements In Semi-Buoyant Tubes |
GB1204648 | Improvements In Semi-Buoyant Tubes |
GB1203136 | Improvements In The Irrigation Of “Deserts” By Snow Piped From Polar Regions For The Purpose Of Minimising The Impending World Famine |
GB1428297 | Apparatus For Maintaining The High Speed Movement Of Bodies In A Tube |
GB1426580 | Using Magnetic Coils To Produce Periodically Applied Forces To- Maintain The High Speed Movement Of Bodies And Vehicles Particularly In Tubes |
GB1411354 | Using Electrostatic Levitation To Reduce The Resistance To The High Speed Movement Of Ice Or Oil Filled Balls In Tubes With An Explanation Of The Enigma Of The Nucleus Of The “Splittable Atom” |
GB1338121 | Vacuum Tube Trains For Fumeless High Speed Overhead Supra And Submarine Transportation Of Animate And Inanimate Loads |
GB1287207 | Improvements In Semi-Buoyant Tubes |
GB1204648 | Improvements In Semi-Buoyant Tubes |
GB1439086 | Large Flat Based Low Flying Aircraft Using Fasces Or Bundles Of Bodies Of Existing Large Aircraft Such As The Boeing 747 |
GB1405739 | Aircraft Of Cruciform Shape With Parachute Landing Capability In An Emergency |
GB1405737 | Large Flat Based Aircraft Capable Of Hovering Flight Particularly For The Transport Of Lengths Of Pipe Line |
GB1345288 | Aerial Ships Supported By Vacuum Balls Or Other Forms Of Evacuated Vessels |
GB1335771 | Vertical Take Off And Landing Wingless Aircraft |
GB1333157 | Air Screw Sailing Ships |
GB1332529 | Supersonic Transport Aircraft |
GB1331655 | Design Of Saucer Shaped Flying Machines |
GB1405575 | Propelling Automobiles Without Using Petrol Or Gasoline |
GB1394639 | Automobiles Driven From The Back Seat |
GB1350746 | Using Warning Lights To Prevent Motorists Bashing Into And Killing Each Other Particularly On High Speed Motorways In Fog |
GB1333348 | Automobile Construction |
GB1332203 | Road Trailer For Hardtop Automobiles |
GB1332025 | Construction Of Automobiles |
GB1447940 | Construction And Propulsion Of Ships For Carrying Oil Or Bulk Cargoes |
GB1442869 | Apparatus For Inflation In An Emergency To Provide Additional Buoyancy For Boats Yachts Or Ships In Danger Of Sinking Or – Capsizing |
GB1416666 | Sea Bed Crawling Submarine Craft |
GB1336082 | Endless Tracks For Ships And Amphibious Vehicles |
GB1334497 | Flash Boiling Steam Jet Reactive Marine Propulsion Systems |
GB1319510 | Steam Jet Reactive Marine Propulsion Units |
GB1439440 | Internal Combustion Engine Operative On Encapsulated Fuels |
GB1411203 | Using Gas Turbines To Generate Electricity From Any Waste Combustible Materials To Overcome The Energy Crisis |
GB1388367 | Process For Producing Hydrogen And Electricity From Sea River Or Lake Water |
GB1350885 | Arrangements For Using Wasted Energy |
GB1339707 | Cross-Shaped Wind-Driven Electricity Generator |
GB1337383 | Generating Electricity By Using Worked Out Or Uneconomic Coal Mines As Compressed Air Reservoirs Or Gas Turbine Combustion Chambers |
GB1336473 | Small Solid Fuelled Gas Turbines |
GB1334880 | Small Power Gas Turbine For Generating Electricity From Carboniferous Waste Materials Or One Candle |
GB1332202 | Inclined Ramps For Engagement By Vehicles To Generate Electricity |
GB1317330 | Converting Electrical Energy To Kinetic Energy In Massive Fly Wheels For Reconversion To Electrical Energy To Meet Peak Demands In National Electricity Supply Systems |
GB1333343 | Plant For Generating Electrical Energy And Desalination Of Water |
GB1325996 | Massive Steam Driven Flywheels For Combined Electricity Generation And Desalination Plant Particularly For The Irrigation Of Littoral Areas Of Deserts |
GB1447848 | Using Neutron Beams For A Microscope For Cancer Research Or For Cancer Surgery |
GB1438618 | True Atom Or Graviton Particle Beam Microscopes Particularly For Cancer Research |
GB1415629 | True Atom Or Graviton Beam Microscopes Particularly For Cancer Research |
GB1374399 | Electron Microscope For Use On Living Cells |
GB1332209 | Electromagnetically Operated Diaphragm Pump Particularly For Use With Iron Lungs Or Other Respiratory Apparatus |
GB1311140 | Minute Particle Or -True Atom- Beam Microscope Intended Primarily For High Magnification Of Living Cells Or Biological Structures |
GB1439297 | Initiating A Controlled Fusion Reaction Using Deuterium And Tritium Pellets In Imploding Bullets Fed With Powerful Laser Beam Pulses |
GB1424509 | Streaking Nuclear Reactors |
GB1421712 | Centrifugal Nuclear Disintegration Or Streaked Nuclei Reactors |
GB1421521 | Centrifugal Nucleon Disintegration Or CND Reactors |
GB1420589 | Nuclear Fission Reactors With Arrangements For Ejecting The Core In An Emergency |
GB1420426 | Electricity Generation By Nuclear Fission Reactor And Closed Cycle Gas Turbines With Core Automatically Shut Down By Coolant Flow Failure |
GB1414286 | Nuclear Power Plant With Emergency Ejection Of Reactor Core |
GB1409210 | Plant For The Thermonuclear Fusion Of Deuterium Obtained From Sea Water |
GB1366285 | Control System For Regulating The Speed Of Deuterium-Tritium Tip Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reaction |
GB1357769 | Reactor For Release Of Energy From Nuclei Of Atoms By Centrifugal Disintegration Without A Chain Reaction |
GB1353727 | Apparatus For Producing Electricity From Thermonuclear Reactions |
GB1337936 | Apparatus For Initiating Deuterium-Tritium Fusion |
GB1416666 | Sea Bed Crawling Submarine Craft |
GB1408689 | Arrangements For Examining Or Drilling The Seabed |
GB1346165 | Generating Electricity By Burning Oil Or Gas On The Seabed |
GB1426698 | Photon Push-Pull Radiation Detector For Use In Chromatically Selective Cat Flap Control And 1000 Megaton Earth-Orbital Peace-Keeping Bomb |
GB1415487 | Reducing The Tendency Of A Golf Ball To Slice Or Hook By Electrostatic Forces |
GB1414601 | Using The Pull Of A Beam Of Light On A Liquid Surface To Explain Colour Sight With The Provision Of A Chromatic Selection Device |
GB1411354 | Using Electrostatic Levitation To Reduce The Resistance To The High Speed Movement Of Ice Or Oil Filled Balls In Tubes With An Explanation Of The Enigma Of The Nucleus Of The “Splittable Atom” |
GB1395137 | Photoelectric Generator Particularly For Recharging The Batteries Of Earth Orbital Space Satellites By Laser Beams With A Possible Explanation Of Colour Sight |
GB1391569 | Miniature-Image Producing Spectacles And Binoculars |
GB1361962 | Earth Orbital Bombs As Nuclear Deterrents |
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